Just when I thought it could not get any hotter.. I spoke with a gentleman today around 2PM and he told me that the temperature thingie in his truck said that the outside temperature was 110 and he said that it was accurate....

Then just now (5PM ) I checked our digital thermometer at home... it is reading 115. WOW.. I do realise that these are not official temps and are probably not accurate due to heat radiating off the house or something. BUT... it is located in the shade and it is supposed to measure air temperature and it is HOT.. no matter how you look at it.

These temps are dangerous so please take precautions to stay safe in this heat... Don't forget the animals that live outside... If you don't see a neighbor or friend like you normally might.... give them a call to make sure they are OK.. or stop by with a nice cold pitcher of lemonade and spend a hour with a friend.

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