If you read my blog then you know I have been cleaning and fixing up a new studio space..  I will soon be ready to start moving in.  I decided to paint the floors which are concrete except for one that has a sub floor over the concrete floor.

  The longarm room is ready except for curtains and cleaning the windows.
I do still need to paint the bath rooms and the floor in what may become the storage room ( I have no idea how I will use this room ) and the sub floor...I am saving the bathrooms for last because they are so small and Well I am not excited about painting them.. LOL The floor is the entry area ...and this paint has to dry 3 - 5 days. Now you can walk on it after 24 hours but nothing more for 5 days.... No dragging stuff over it in and out the door... So I will have to paint myself out the door ...and just walk away.. If it needs a second coat..and it probably will.. it is a 5 day wait between coats.

I choose to paint the floors for tow reasons...cost for one. It would cost several hundred dollars to put down tile or laminate flooring....I can change the floor later if I like except in the longarm room.

 I really did not want carpet because of the threads...No matter how hard I try I have threads every where. and cleaning thread off carpet is kind of a pain...It has to be cut off chair rollers and the vacuum after each cleaning.. I hate it !!!!! So I am going to try the paint.

All the walls are painted Country white the floor is a blue grey..

 I have a bunch of old magazines that  belong to mother in law...I have had them in my storage for years..any way. I am thinking I will look for some adds and or articles from them to use as art work for the walls... I think the adds from the 30's is kind of cool.So I need to see what is in those barrel's

 Yes I did say barrel's...I think three of them... so I should be able to find something I like.. The magazines are not worth very much Last time I checked I think they would only sell to a collector for 3-5 dollars each. I really don't think any one is going to mess with trying to find a collector to sell them SO I will probably cut them up....use what I want..Laminate the pages I want to hang or frame...HUMMM!!!! If I find enough cool stuff... I might just cover the walls in that tiny bath room instead of painting.. LOL..... OK so I really have no idea what I will find in those barrel's..

 I know I have a complete collection ( well several years of ) Missouri Conservationist along with some Ladies magazines... I also have some older quilt magazines I might use..
.We will just have to see what I come up with..

  Looks like I have my goals all set for the winter months... I have been thinking about what I want to do next year....and the next few years.. Now that I will have some space to work in and with... I have some ideas.. I want to hand dye some fabric's and create some project with them of course... with the added space I hope to carry a larger selection of batting's for my clients to choose from...and a limited supply of backing fabrics....I will also have space to conduct a class or two..if I want... or space to have some quilting buddies over to play...Or  well I have some ideas.. but for now for the next few months of winter I will just get used to the space.   First I have to get the longarm  moved....that will be a story all on its own I am sure.. I am not looking forward to this part.

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