Well today was back to the day job..Sigh!!!  I did not get to quilt last night due to storms but we sure need the rain so I guess it is OK. LOL So far today I did the day job thing... made a quick trip to the grocery store. Man that can be sticker shock, got home put everything away and paid a bill or two.. checked e-mail and now I am off to work on that quilt. I have a hour before I have to fix dinner tonight ...Taco salads. Yum! then back to finish the quilt. 

The quilt show is in Stockton  at the expo center...I forget the time for the show but I am thinking 10 am to 6 pm but that could be wrong. LOL I know what time I have to be there tho. LOL Oh it is the 28th and 29th.  Some one asked...  any way I must run....

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