Today was guild day, which is always fun.
I got my errands all completed. Some food prep done.
The house is as clean as it will get for a few days.

I am ready to begin The Quilt A Long tomorrow.

For me it will be kind of like a quilting retreat...Well sort of.
I will be quilting on my own projects at the studio but, we will all be connected to the Internet bringing us together and sharing our projects and having fun.

I have a couple of quick meals planned a side dish or two ready.
Snacks...There must be snacks!!!

I have a tasty black bean and barley salad ready.
A pork roast ready to roast, there should be enough for BBQ sandwiches for a second meal.
I have coleslaw ready I just need to fix the dressing and serve.
I cleaned two pounds of carrots. Carrot sticks for snacking or roasting for dinner..
Corn on the cob, cottage cheese, lettuce salad and jello with fruit.

Nuts and trail mix for snacking and pretzels, and grapes and watermelon and cantaloupe !

OK I think it is safe to say that I have the snacks... and some simple dishes ready to go.

I may not get to join in all four days but that is OK it will still be fun !


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